
맥[mac] - cron Operation not permitted 에러

동고킴 2021. 2. 27. 12:21

Full Disk Access에 cron을 등록하면 된다.


Granting Full Disk Access to cron

  1. Go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Full Disk Access:

  2. Click on the (+) icon to add an item to the list

  3. Press command+shift+G to open the Go to Folder… dialog, type /usr/sbin/cron and press Enter:

  4. Select the cron file and click Open:

  5. That’s it! Now my script can access my user’s $HOME/Library folder and all its contents!

Warning: this is not a great idea security-wise, if a malicious actor can create cron jobs or edit the scripts ran as cron jobs, he or she would have Full Disk Access too. Monitor the system’s installed cron jobs manually or with a tool such as KnockKnock and proceed with caution.


참고 : blog.bejarano.io/fixing-cron-jobs-in-mojave/


Fixing cron jobs in Mojave

Fixing cron jobs in Mojave Mon, 8 Oct 2018 macOS Mojave introduces a new access control mechanism that lets you decide which apps should have access to the calendar database, the user’s contacts, the camera and microphone and even access to the whole dri




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